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Jim Hannigan

Great review Chris. You're right, the single album does the trick, captures the highlights, but the 2 CD expanded reissue feels like two full concerts and less abbreviated. Rest In Peace is one of my favorites I don't think it's a Bender showcase though!

On Practicing Guitar

Thanks, Jim! I could have gone and done the whole thing about differences in the two releases. I have a lot of thoughts about it. The single LP release is actually a pretty decent length. The double album is incredible, no doubt. Kind of like two amazing bootlegs in one package with great sound. A warts and all kind of experience. Somehow, the song selection of the single LP really works for me. The pacing and dynamics are great. In a perfect world, it would be nice to sit back in a state of the art mixing and mastering studio, circa 1974, of course, and decide how to reassemble the two full concerts into one amazing double (triple?) LP. Copious amounts of champagne would have to be on hand of course, among other things various and sundry. Getting back to your comment, I like Rest in Peace, too! There's the dynamic element I was talking about. Of course, Bender kicks in immediately afterwards with the opening lead to "Dudes." BTW, Luther commented to me on FaceBook - he was using Ampeg amps with no effects other delay lines in the PA! Thanks again! -Chris

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